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Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Monday - 29 September 08

                                                      See my little piglet

Woke up and found my little piglet sleeping in this way hahaha so cute really look like a piglet with the pick shorts!  Drag myself out of the bed cos we have late nights during the weekend .... is never enough of resting!  *Yawnz* Is Monday again lucky this week is a short week and today I have to bring TT for her 2nd dose (last) of jab.

Went to pick her up at 2pm and headed to ESH to see Dr Low he is back after 3 months of suspension.  TT was very happy seeing baby at the clinic still on smiley mode till Dr Low gave her a jab 3sec later she cry out loud for 10sec and stop hahahaha ...... so cute!

When we are about to leave the sky become so dark so I have to take a cab back because I didn't bring umbrella with me .... just when we stepped into our house it started to pour heavily *phew* heng ah ..... lucky never caught in rain.

TT and I took a nap .... in the cosy bed kekek I nap for about 3 hours!!! Woke up at 7pm was about to walk into the kitchen I heard hubby opening the door.  Still ok I manage to finish all the cooking in about 30mins later.  All easy food ..... can chicken luncheon meat, eggs and a plate of vegetable simple meal!  I wanna clear my fridge so I just anyhow come out with a simple and filling dinner. 

I have to had my dinner first cos TT is awake and dearie have to carry her while I have my meal.  And he complain that I never eat cos I left so much food for him but I really eat alot already!  The nap we took also make myself suffer cos TT refused to sleep at 12+am .... hahaha *faintz* I think I shall adjust back her previous timing - sleep early but dun wake up early kekeke ......


  1. think is hemoglobin jab hahaha blur hor me

  2. umm... how come ur dr got suspended?

  3. u din read theresa's previous post? the dr din diagnose a condition in one of his patient causing the child to go blind later...

  4. yup yup ..... is in my blog .... heeee

  5. i dunno leh they ask me want the jab i just take loh

  6. TT is so cute, haha theresa, i think she looks more lika a little bb rabbit hee~

  7. hmmm but for no reason no need hemoglobin leh... hmm... maybe other jab is it??

  8. eh ... i dunno leh ... is for her good i just take loh

  9. hahahahha rabbit ah .... but like piglet ... pooh bear best frd
