We are still busy visiting .... we went to Dearie's Godma on Monday night and my Godma's house on Tuesday Nite.
TT of cos is the most happy one cos she get to drink and eat new year goodies again cos usually I won't let her eat at home cos is heaty. She is the kind eat non stop and dunno what is full hahaha she can keep on eating! Scary right?
Everyday when she come back from her playgroup my MIL will buy lunch for everyone ... once my MIL bought duck rice .... she very angry and said: " Duck rice ah ma eat .... sa sa want 面面!" A 2 year old kiddo saying that really surprise all!
And she love fishball noodle soup from my MIL shop (Blk 412) she can finish the whole fishball noodle and 7 fishball in one meal!!!! Scary ya? I hope she won't take after me fat fat won't be pretty anymore! And once my MIL bought fishball noodle soup from another blk (I think is Blk 539) she knew is not from Blk 412 coffeeshop and she refuse to eat! I think is really bad to choose shall teach her to eat without complaints!
haha... this shows that she only goes for Quality food