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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Saturday - 13 March 10

Lunar dates marks today is my Grandma's 1st year death anniversary time passes real fast ..... went to pick my Parents up and headed to Uncle house for prayers.

Daryl (use to be my brother) left his kids with my Parents and guess what our little Nissan squeeze 6 adults and 3 kids! 

Play with my nephews till crazy hahaha the little one so cute .... but after Daryl come I stop all activities with them LOL oh well guess my Parents quite upset about the 2 of us.

I still have to say dun blame me cos he is the one who say dun want me as his sister..... actually is a good thing that I never talk to him cos he won't msn me tell me this and that save me lotsa trouble. 乐得轻闲