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Monday, 11 February 2008

CNY Day 4

Asked my mil yesterday can I eat PEK GER (Nian gao) she say yes but this year she never buy cos she think still have but when she soak it all like change skin hahaha so when u insist in cooking it will all be stick together! So she say no PEK GER this year.... but she recalled saying that small aunt have some stocks!  Both my husband and I love this and every year CNY we get to eat that so we dun wanna miss it too!

Called up small aunt and she say is left at Bishan house and I am so happy and GAN DONG that small aunt actually went back to Bishan to get it for me!  Really appreciate that ...... thanks small auntie! 

I love to eat my MIL cook one ..... is very nice ..... she gave us 2 flask of it which we find is too much .... I cant finish mine and my poor hubby have to help me finish it hahah ... and in the end he say his tummy gonna explode soon hahahah poor dearie!

Today my in laws's shop engage Lion dance but i didnt get to watch it cos I am im jail ...... i miss lion dance leh ......

6 more days to go!


  1. so fast going to be 1 month liao...

  2. six more days...you will still be able to go visiting cos its still within the 15 days of cny..hee. so there's still cny for you after all..:)

  3. hahahaha ... no mood liao loh .... not in china have 15 days hahaha singapore at most 9 days

  4. still got the 15th day mah. to celebrate at least..:p
