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Monday, 17 November 2008

Thursday - 13 Nov 08

*LOL* I knew I will FAILED!  *LOL* Yes I failed my basic theory test ..... lousy ya ..... I didn't study again all I do every night now is TT, facebook, TT & facebook again......muhahaha .... ok I know I am not discipline enough .....

I tried very hard to absorb it when I am at work .... kekeke .... but still failed ... never mind I shall work hard again maybe I am not good in studies *LOL*

I have not book another date yet cos the office for booking is closed after I finished my test..... thanks to Dearie whom drove me there and waited for me with TT in the car *LOL*  Sorry I have disappoint the 2 of you ......but thanks for the support!! Love ya!


  1. its ok girl... better to be a passenger than a driver hahahahha~~~~~~
    i passed but nv drive wahahah waste money.

  2. oh at least u can drive when needed LOL

  3. tink basic theory test can book online one rite..

  4. Think u buy those past exams questions and do.. it helps a lot.. cos always the same old questions.

  5. basic theory? i passed on 2nd try but it's the advance theory test that i failed many many times...lost count liao...wasted alot of $$$ until i buay tahan & sign up as BBDC student & then finally passed (",) JIA YOU wor!

  6. yup my frd ask me to sign up as student ..... heheheh
