Termites!!! This is a so call BIG BIG news found by my office cleaner and Auntie colleague they are so excited in having a new found reporting news!
*LOL* they are so excited about it and kept talking about this for weeks!!! They went to spray insecticide together. Auntie even volunteer to look for quotes from some pest control company and I think they did came to check on it twice. Cos I am busy and wasn't around when they come but got one time I did saw 2 men came before and they REALLY CHECK for termites.... I mean CHECK ya .... *LOL* open up our cupboard and use touch light to shine to CHECK! Our cupboard is build high up ..... I need to use a chair climb up to reach my stuffs ... can they see termites from the ground???
They even charge per trip ... .... after a few weeks of die down news ..... the termites is out again .... they attack the toilets. This time my President engage someone he know and use his service before to check on it. He told us not to spray any insecticide on it .... dun touch the sand all these just leave it cos he spray some "medicine" in it and it will take times to kill the termites.
According to the instruction I told them twice dun touch the termites haha guess what they seems not really happy ..... oh well I think both of them should go work as pest controller since they so interested in this job! *LOL* :P
***Happy Birthday Veronica .... may you stay pretty and happy always!
ReplyDeleteaunties will be aunties..
they also need to create some news, so they can have something to talk about during their aunty sessions with other aunties mah..
those aunties v cute leh :P
ReplyDeletemuhahahah ya loh .... I thought what happen leh ..... LOL