On Friday I was on leave for Grandma passed away 100 days almost all of us are on leave and was at Bishan at 9am. After the praying we headed to Bedok there to pray too and cos is seventh month there are so many people there.
TT still quite active and even snatch food with her Grandpa *LOL* but still coughing. MIL suggest to bring TT over to chinese physician cos she said some neighborhood people tell her that the Chinese Physician is very good in treating children's cough.
TT was given a cough mixture and some powder form of medicine. Nap with TT after we bathe and around 8+pm we woke up and I gave some milk to her before giving her some cough mixture. Awhile after she had the medicine she vomited out everything again poor baby really heart pain to see her like this.
Dearie said maybe is due to the milk she take thats why she vomit again ... I told him might not. Poor baby kept on asking for milk cos she is hungry after vomited so Dearie asked me to give her some milo instead. Not long after she had her milo she vomited out again I told Dearie something is wrong lets not drag anymore so we decided to bring her over to ESH A&E. MIL is so kind enough to drove us to ESH and is already 1+am not much ppl in the A&E so after around 5 mins after registration we are in to see the Doc.
He diagnose TT having stomach virus and he instructed the Nurse to gave an insertion of medicine into her anus. When the medicine inserted TT still "kiap" her backside so funny! She was given a total of 5 bottles of medicine and total cost is $191. Hope she get well soon ....