Today is the last day of CNY ....... check with papa & mummy they cant have dinner with us so I push my little princess down to buy dinner with my husband.
Near our house there is a GETAI specially for today and they have some mediacorps artist coming to perform. Wanted to watch that but my pt maid coming to do cleaning up so gotta give that a miss. Have missed the previous one cos am still in confinement have miss the fireworks too .....
At near 10pm suddenly we heard loud noises ...... is FIREWORKS! Wow ... this time round is much higher and we can catch it at our own place .... is very nice ...... manage to snap some pics ...... but of cos pics is not that nice heehee .....
Hope that next year will have more of these event so that I can catch it! Time really passes fast ....... is end of the CNY already ......
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