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Thursday, 4 June 2009

Friday - 29 May 09

Back to work today .....bought some Tokyo Banana for my colleagues except Auntie .... muahhaha call me bad but is ok de right if I dun give her cos we buay gum mah.....

Busy day today lotsa stuffs to do ..... so many events going on .....Dearie came picking me up and headed to MIL's shop to pick up TT.  Thanks to Dearie whom finished up the packing except clothing are left unfold hahaha....

Glad that he fold it while I am having shower ... as usual TT being busybody .... wanna help but she is always the one making a mess ... hahahah ... oh well I am still in holiday mood .... dun feel like working ...... how I wish I can be a SAHM ......